In Progress...



Work Completed while with FXCollaborative

Riker's Island Jail in its Greater New York City context

Riker's Island Jail in its Greater New York City context

Noise impacts resulting from the adjacency to LaGuardia Airport

Noise impacts resulting from the adjacency to LaGuardia Airport

Riker's Island has been built by over 100 years of infill, making construction on the island difficult

Riker's Island has been built by over 100 years of infill, making construction on the island difficult

Scenario 1 - Infrastructure Island. Works to meet NYC's 2030 sustainability goals while providing jobs, training, and energy to marginalized communtiies.

Scenario 1 - Infrastructure Island. Works to meet NYC's 2030 sustainability goals while providing jobs, training, and energy to marginalized communtiies.

Infrastructure Island would take a large portion of New York Cities waste, convert it to energy and other forms of renewable energy for use on the island.

Infrastructure Island would take a large portion of New York Cities waste, convert it to energy and other forms of renewable energy for use on the island.

Scenario 2 - Hybrid Scenario. LaGuardia Airport gets an additional runway to alleviate congestion. The island would also house a portion of waste and energy program elements.

Scenario 2 - Hybrid Scenario. LaGuardia Airport gets an additional runway to alleviate congestion. The island would also house a portion of waste and energy program elements.

A new terminal with additional aprons could be added with the additional runway capacity. 

A new terminal with additional aprons could be added with the additional runway capacity. 


Client: The Independent Commission on New York City Criminal Justice and Incarceration Reform

Design and Planning: FXCollaborative
Design Team: Tyler Cukar, Jack Robbins

Economic Analysis: HR&A Advisors